Ricardo Riskalla
supports you taking the lead role in your own life



For more than two decades, Ricardo has guided people to the lives they want to live, using a unique method.

Taking a caring and compassionate approach, Ricardo understands what you need to make health, fitness and mental clarity long term. Ricardo is a frequent presence in national and international media, often being requested for his opinion in many aspects of health and wellbeing. Actors, supermodels and celebrities have his number on speed dial.



“I believe everyone is a star and my job is to help you realise this truth.”

Ricardo Riskalla


Certified Personal Trainer

Ricardo is a certified Personal Trainer and Master Trainer. He is registered with AUSactive and accredited with the UK based Register of Exercise Professionals, and the Federation of International Sports Aerobics and Fitness which recognises his qualifications in over 35 countries. 

Certified Nutrition Coach

Ricardo is also a qualified Nutrition Coach and has received specialisation from Cornell University in USA. Nutrition is his passion so he keeps up to date with the latest in longevity, beauty and above all health.

"I feel and look better than I ever have"


"Ricardo Riskalla, the go-to guy for models and actors"

Harper's Bazaar

"Forget busting a gut for hours to get great results"

Cleo Magazine



"The health benefits are sublime"

Sunday Telegraph
