Exercises that you could do anywhere without bothering anyone


And I mean it.

You can exercise at work, airports, aeroplanes, schools…. And at work.

It will not be an entire session, but it is better than nothing, and small exercises can be that slight edge that will keep you on track.

So here are a few options of things that you can do without creating too many disruptions:

-Push-ups. Go to the floor and do the highest number of them. As an alternative, you can do them standing up against the wall;

-Squats. Do the highest number of them, and if you combine squats and push-ups, you will have a full-body workout;

-Leg raises. Sitting down on a chair, stand your legs and hold them for as long as you can;

-Shoulder presses. Sitting down, extend your ups up and down until failure.

So no more excuses!

For more tips, read my books and download my exercise videos available on this website.

You can exercise anywhere.
