Do you need to be super flexible? Yoga and Pilates mistakes


I remember my first yoga class, more than 25 years ago.

It was scary to watch.

I couldn't even touch my toes, and most people were bending like Cirque du Soleil.

Thankfully I think I had the best Yoga teacher on the planet.

She was so kind and reminded me and assured me that Yoga is not a competition and is not about being a rubber band.

I am a personal trainer, and I can say that I am not super flexible.

Flexibility is genetic.

Nowadays, I can do some things that were impossible 25 years ago, but I am not competing to become a circus act.

And I treat all my clients like that.

Some Yoga and Pilates circles are based on who is the best.

I have never seen my clients like that.

Everyone is unique and must not be compared to anyone else.

Yes everyone can progress and will progress, but it is not about brushing your teeth with your toes.

Common sense is something that must be applied to flexibility because, yes, you can get hurt trying to be a circus act.

Gentle and compassionate are the rules for any exercise session.

Anything above that is an ego act and needs to be avoided.

Fun must be the core of any session.

Enjoyment and results, just that.

Gentle and compassionate are the rules for any exercise session.
